Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Soon to be Three...

Never in a million years would I have thought this would be the year I would look back and and know that I was really learning who I was and who I was becoming. Well that is now starting to sink in and set in as reality. Within a few short months Kelton and I will embark on the longest journey of our life, we are going to be parents. Each day the crazy hormones, growing belly, and strong kicks reminds me of what I have to look forward too; but what I have to be thankful for as well. Thank you to all who have shared in our life I am so very grateful. I cant wait to see what happens next as well as the many memories that lie before us.....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Baby Photos!

This is a front view of the baby!
Yes it is a baby and not an alien haha, who knows I think that it might be
waving to us all with its left hand by its face!
Now you can see that this baby already has some stellar legs (must take after dad)!
Look at those things, MOVING LIKE CRAZY!
(If you look hard you can see the other leg and foot behind the knee of the front leg)
Oh and we had to show you the cutest picture of its foot!

I know everyone has been waiting for so LONG to see our baby! After a long wait .... here you are... "Baby Jensen"!

Monday, September 28, 2009

So here we go....

Well Kelton and I are about to embark on the biggest adventure of our life. WE are going to be parents. At this point I am 13wks along and past the first trimester! Now I just hope Kelton can make it through the other two trimesters with his head still fully attached to his body! Hahaha ......nah for the most post things have been going great and not much to report, but we will keep you posted on any upcoming news on our baby.

Monday, June 22, 2009

DECLAN....JAKE ..............NO.......................... DO SOMETHING FUN......."ITS LIKE DANCING WITH THE STARS!!!"

O gosh... I am not sure what is funniest part of this whole thing... the fact that everyone of my family members narrates this video or my brothers "DANCING / Wrestling Comedy show" I LOVE those little boys, I am not sure what I would do without those boys in my life. Trying to depants one another it funny but the best part is the 80's dance moves I am sure he picked up from my mom and dad and maybe my uncle steve. I think I was laughing the most!!!! (Sorry for the shaking footage it is hard to be steady when you are laughing so hard) Enjoy.....

Monday, June 15, 2009


Hey Everyone-
We made it back from Yellowstone in one piece. Ace-Lynn went camping for the first time as well as swimming in a river! And she made it out a live! ahahah..... Kelton and I got to try out our tent with a full size dog and Libby and we had so much fun. We were able to see Keltons whole family and even some family from Missouri made it so that was GREAT. I loved playing with all the kids that was one of the best parts. By the end of this trip Kelton and I felt as though "our children" were "all-star amazing" however spending time away from home was great for them as well as us too.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Hey everyone-
We have been VERY busy. We now know that our little lab is a swimming machine! She will not get out of the water!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Our little H. (hunter) I. (in) T. (training)

O Ace is just learing how to do some really neat drills. Kelton is teaching her a ton in our field. Some day we might even call her a master Hunter!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We are growing!!!

Hey everyone!!!

I just wanted to let you know we have been SOOOOOOOOOO busy. Everyone is good here in the Jensen home, we have just been busy working the the house, and yea still raking leaves. Ace is getting HUGE!!!! Espy is getting wise and Libby is getting well Libby is just Libby. I posted a new pic of Kelton playing xbox and our small little flower sitting with him helping him beat the game:)

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Today Kelton and I went around the WHOLE town looking for things for our DOG (Ace-Lynn)..... We finally found what we were looking for. Man if this is any indication as to how much real children will cost I dont want one :) for a very LONGGGGGGGG time!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sick Day

Yesterday I came home sick from work and feeling pretty yucky. I had all the help I could get at home. I guess my "little ones" wanted to make sure I got better soon.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Its time for KONG! (Without them Kelton and I would never have quiet!)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

O what a day!~

So today I am surprised that our little yellow lab is still standing. She may look cute but deep down she is giving kelton and I a run for our money. She not only went to the bathroom on our bed she turned around and went in the living room and then on our couch all wrapped up into a two minute span. YIKES, I WAS SO MAD. However you look at a four month old puppy and have to know that yes she is only four months old. At least she has CUTE on her side........

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2008 was GREAT!

Hey everyone- It has been a while since I have last posted. Things have been very busy since I have last been able to write. We have officially had our first Thanksgiving in our new home with many family and friends. We also were able to put up xmas lights which I know what Keltons favorite part of the holidays. All of our "little girls" are not so little anymore. The animals are growing so FAST! We cant wait to share many more fun times that await us is 2009!