Thursday, October 16, 2008

Have we lost our mind!

Hello Everyone-

So a lot has changed in two weeks. I think Kelton and I have lost our minds, but we are having a TON of fun. We not only added a kitten to our family but we also got the BIG dog that kelton has been waiting for. Our kitten is 8 weeks old and full of it. Her name is espy (yeah like the ESPN espy awards-go figure) She LOVES libby and the puppy loves her. Now our puppy is so stinkin' cute and why wouldn't she be she is a yellow lab. She is just a new 6 1/2 weeks old and doing fairly well without her mommy just as long Kelton is around. Her name is Ace-Lynn and at the moment we are working on comin' up with a really cool name for her AKC papers. We I am sorry it has taken so long for me to post but it is kinda a nut house around here...

As we speak I need to run the kitten is stuck in the TV stand.............


Pearl said...

Way Cute!! I know how busy they are keeping you guys. Poor Libby - going from only child to one of three.

peanut said...

geez they were going at it! that was a cute video! little ace is really tough!