Wednesday, November 5, 2008

XBox Help!

This is not just a one time thing. Ace and Kelton do this nightly I was just lucky enough to get a photo to show all of you what happens daily at the Jensen household. O what fun! Who knows maybe Ace is his good luck charm. It will not be long and Ace will be able to stay awake for the whole game!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Babys are getting so BIG

I can not believe that in just two weeks they are so Big!!

I took them to the vet today and Ace-Lynn is 12.5 lbs now!

The vet just kept warning me of how BIG she was going to be.

Espy is still "little" but is getting bigger at 3lbs.

Last but not least Libby I think lost some weight she got her hair cut and looks beautiful!!! I can't belive that my Libby doesn't have her top-knot anymore, I think she likes it better that was anyhow I dont seem to fuss over her as much!

Were Back

Well Kelton and I are finally home from various vacations/work trips. Kelton went hunting for five days with our good friend Zeb. They didn't see much of anything other then beautiful scenery right out of a post card and a couple other hunters along the way. I think he still had a good time however it would have been an even better time coming home with something. I on the other hand went to New Orleans for work. I had a really good time and found out that I am so lucky to be working for a company that cares so much for others. During all of this we shipped out our newly acquired family to my family. When we got home they got so stinkin' BIG all but Libby she shrunk that's for sure!