Monday, October 20, 2008

O Poop!

Today we took Ace and Libby for a walk down the side road where we live. Ace planted herself firm to the ground and just 10 steps after leaving our driveway and walking down the road she has to poop in the middle of the road. O and to make matters worse this wasn't the first time in the last hour she had graced this gift upon us. As I try to clean it off the road Kelton try's to keep the dogs moving while managing a smile and wave at the neighbors who became our audience during this little fiasco. I just laughed to myself thinking that just an hour ago I was in this same position cleaning this same special present. This time though I was thanking my lucky starts it was like last time. This time it was at least on the ground rather then down my pants, shoe and most of all in my hand. O the joys of having our new baby!

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